Since 2015 in APROXAR we have developed remote assistance service to:

  • Process optimization (reduction of reactants in Refineries with cases in Germany, India, Poland, Venezuela; or biofuel units in Argentina and Paraguay).
  • To Solve quality problems (color, flavor, high acidity problems, presence of soaps, turbidity, phospholipid content, moisture, presence of collagen and polyethylene, or residual solvent in units of Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Venezuela and Uruguay).
  • Procedures or sketch to develops repairs or “in situ” alternative parts construction (interacting with workshop or maintenance offices in Argentina, Brazil and India).

That is why this pandemic finds us working, from the first minute, elbow to elbow with our Clients.

We also implement Engineering 4.0 tools in different Sectors, to determine, through the analysis of data and indicators, what should be corrected and what parameters should be adjusted in order to improve performance, quality or operating costs.

Do you have problems into the production line? Contact us, at  APROXAR we are to help you.