In 2001, external resources in Control Architecture and Industrial Systems Programming and Civil Engineering were incorporated to the company to respond to growing market needs. By 2004, specialists in the processing of animal fats by-products were hired to enhace the Process Engineering area.
These hires were also experienced in people management. By the second half of 2005, a new hire, expert in Process Engineering, joins the team to contrinute with his know-how of information administration.
By mid-June 2006, we started developing our own Quality Management System by hiring required staff for its implementation. we hired staff for purchase administration as well.
In 2007, we hired advanced engineering students in order to train future professionals specialized in the Industry.
In this way, our experience has allowed us to work globally, managing projects in North, South and Central America, Europe and Asia, either for national or international companies with or without subsidiaries in Argentina.
By broadening our capabilities, the scope of our service grew letting us venture into an extensive range of solutions and services to meet increasing market demands.
1996: Start.
2001: Lecture at Lipidex Sudamérica (Oil & Fats) in Buenos Aires.
2001: First project for a foreign Company without subsidiaries in Argentina.
2001: Development of a Hydrogenation unit of largest capacity to date (30 TPB) for ALFA LAVAL.
2003: First project on Oleochemicals, toco and phytosterols concentrate and biodiesel production as by-product.
2004: First project using our in.house detail Engineering 100% Aproxar.
2006: First unit in the world finished according to sanitary procedures to produce lecithin for human consumption.
2007: Certification of ISO 9001:2000 Standards.
2009: Provision of equipment, own design and construction.
2010: Supply of global solutions for the Biodiesel industry attending the needs of the national market – Agreement with AUTOTEC S.A. . AUXXON company to jointly develop Biodiesel projects. This new undertaking will be known as BIOXXAR.
2011: first unit supplied under de BIOXXAR concept.
2014: Zero effluent plant in Extraction and Refinery.
2015: First work in Bioethanol plant.
2017: More than 50% of the domestic biofuels market in Argentina has Bioxxar facilities with its own technology.