Our R&D is permanently exploding the incorporation of new knowledge adequately balancing Basic Research with Research Oriented to Specific Objectives.
Research activities promote a new way of producing knowledge that starts in hands-on contexts and develops thhrough the interaction with other research centers. for that reason we have joined Universidad Tecnológica de Villa María and Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.
This dynamic requires that we add the experience and needs of our Clients and Engineers to the University existing capabilities taking greater care of the community we impact.
We believe that research activities have grown due to the synergy generated by these collaborations betwen the business productive community and academic centers.
These works are organized along the following two approaches:
- Fundamental research following the scientific method and pilot-scale tests.
- Validation of calculations as well as modeling through algorithms to simulate equipment and/or processes already existing or to be developed.
Realized Works
- Modeling of vegetable oils and animal fats properties, as well as their mixtures with solvent. Work published at the International Food Science and Technology Congress (Córdoba – Argentina, November 2006)
- Computer modeling of different heat exchangers in order to validate simulation software by applying it to different exsisting sampling and operating equipment, and thus to adjust software input parameters.
- Contributions for the implementation of ISO 9001:2000 certification Standards in APROXAR. Works to improve the Quality system are still in progress.
To strengthen these reciprocal technology-transfer activities in the future, a long term economic aid agreement has ben signed to help the University to allocate funds and to establish an stable task force.
Es nuestro Objetivo afianzar en el tiempo estas tareas de trasferencia tecnológica bi-direccional y para ello se ha firmado un convenio específico de aporte económico a largo plazo, a efectos que la Universidad pueda organizar la disposición de fondos y formar un grupo de trabajo estable.
- Research work for the production of biodiesel under unconventional methods. To date, several stages have been finalized including bibliographic search, background research and development of pilot-scale equipment.
- Tests to identify physicochemical properties of mixtures of sunflower lecithin with solvent, as part of the implementation of and unprecedented process.
- Implementation of HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) method to detect triglycerides (TAG) in vegetable oils, applying AOCS (Ce-5b-89 and Ce 5c-93) and COI (T20/Doc20) techniques.